The Best Podcasts for Business and Personal Development

You know the feeling - you’ve just finished a very good podcast...and now what? We’ve got you covered, the GPMD team are compiling their favourites for you to check out when you need some inspiration.

Our Chief Customer Officer (CCO) Rabia recently shared a TED article with the team on the seven types of rest every person needs. This led to a conversation about what media recommendations everyone in the team had. Here our recommendations for best podcasts to listen to for business, personal growth, and development.

These are some of our all time favourites

Our client Shop The River Cafe's podcast called Ruthie's Table 4 is a must listen! Each week the founder Ruthie Rogers interviews a famous guest and friend of The River Cafe.

“I love the podcast format, I find it a really easy way to digest information, throughout lock down I have looked forward to taking a walk whilst listening to a podcast.  Some of my favourites are: Culture Awesome, The Prof G Pod, CEO Brain Food, and Business Made Simple, The Rest is Politics, and My First Million. - Mark (CEO) 

Podcast #23: Gonçalo Silva (CTO, Doist) on building progression frameworks for a distributed team

“We’re currently reviewing the career progression and development process at GPMD and the Progression podcast has offered amazing insights and advice into daily work life. There was one particular episode with Doist that stuck with me and I really enjoyed it. I’ve basically recommended it to everyone on our team already.“ - Rabia (CCO)

“I like 99% Invisible - which is about design and architecture. There was a very interesting episode called Instant Gramification’ on the effect Instagram has on architecture and interior design (i. e. designing walls, bathrooms etc to be more instagrammable and thereby get free marketing).” - James (Frontend Developer)

Main image credit: Alphacolor

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